Hey everyone, Denara here. I’d like to welcome you to our website and first post! I’m super excited to present what we’ve been working on…
This time last year, I’d just finished my travels in Colombia - what was suppose to be a 3 month visit turned into a year of exploration. It was there I met many talented indigenous artisans that sparked SEDA to begin. A year there has truly become my home away from home.
With my suitcase packed, my first designs completed and lots of hope, I made my way back to Australia to begin SEDA Collective. During my flight layover back to Australia, someone complimented my earrings and it was then I realised that this was my calling. You can check out the pieces we’ve been working on since then:

The SEDA blog will include travelling, styles, artisans, collections and so much more. Keep up with our newsletter by subscribing below! You can also catch me at Brunswick Artist Markets on every last Sunday of the month.